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Black List / Women in Film Feature Lab


The Black List and Women In Film will invite six to eight promising non-professional screenwriters who identify as women to a weeklong, intensive writers workshop in Los Angeles, CA from February 18-24, 2018. All writers involved in the Lab will workshop one feature screenplay through one-on-one sessions with each screenwriting mentor and in peer workshops. The weeklong program will also include attendance at several story-related events including screenings and Q&As with professional screenwriters and dinner with lit agents and managers.


The selection process will work like this: Up to 15 women writers will be invited, based on the strength of their pilot scripts as determined by the Black List, to submit a one-page personal statement and professional resume. From those submissions, 6-8 women writers will be selected by the Black List, Women In Film and Lab mentors to participate in the Lab.


Air Travel (coach class roundtrip flights within the continental United States (if available and if used)), ground transport to and from the airport in Los Angeles and all Feature Lab events, and accommodations (room and tax only)* will be provided by the Black List. Meals will also be provided. The Feature Lab is a residential program.

* If you are accepted into the Lab, you will be required to board in the provided accommodations for the duration of the program and, if air travel is required, must be available to be flown to Los Angeles from a major airport within the continental United States.


Submission Period Opens  July 17, 2017
Evaluations Deadline (optional)* October 26, 2017
Submission Period Closes  November 26, 2017
Short List Writers Notified  November 27, 2017
Personal Statements Due  December 1, 2017
Final Participants Notified  January 8, 2018
Lab Begins     February 18, 2018

* In order for new script evaluations to qualify for consideration for the Lab, they must be purchased by midnight on the Evaluations Deadline. Please note, purchase of an evaluation is not required for consideration to participate in The Feature Lab.