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International Students Creative Award (in Japan)


Submit to ISCA (INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CREATIVE AWARD)! It's an international arts and information media competition for university, graduate school, and vocational school students. Last year there were 166 entries from 58 schools in Japan and 269 entries from 29 countries around the globe. We look forward to your entry.

Six winning entries and names of the creators are scheduled to be announced on ISCA's website in the middle of October 2017.

Award Ceremony -Screenings and Displays of the Winning Works-

Friday December 1, 2017 and Saturday December 2, 2017

EVENT Lab. At Knowledge Capital OSAKA in Grand Front Osaka North Bldg.

・Screening of the winning works
・Awarding ceremony
・Talk sessions by well-known creators
 A reception for the winning entry creators, judges, and other persons involved will be held.
 All of the winning entry creators will be requested to attend the ceremony.

Grand Prize (1 winner) – ¥300,000 (around US$ 2,700) and a trophy
1st Prize (2 winners) – ¥100,000 (around US$ 890) and a trophy
2nd Prize (3 winners) – Miscellaneous prizes and a trophy

Entry Requirements and Production Period

■ The contest is open to university, graduate school, junior college, and vocational college students. Entries must be submitted representing a school. Students may be of any nationality.
■ The period for producing entries is from January 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017. Students graduating in 2017 are also eligible, but the entry must have been produced while the students were still enrolled in school.

Website Upload
*For details on the Entry Submission Procedures.

- Genre - Any Film, animation, computer graphics, or other moving image content
- Length Max. 20 min. per entry
- Format ・The title and name(s) of the creator(s) must be inserted at the start of the video.
・Entries must be submitted in a format playable using a standard viewer (mp3, wmv, mov, etc.).