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Riot Comedy Lab


Turner, a global multimedia company, and Refinery29, a leading digital media company targeting
young female audiences, are launching a two-day ‘Riot Comedy Lab’ championing diverse female
voices in comedy. Eight emerging comedy creators will receive feedback and mentorship from
seasoned television writers and industry executives, including top female voices in comedy. At the
end of the two-day comedy lab, Refinery 29 and Turner will select one web series idea for the
creation of a pilot episode.

Why are we creating a comedy lab supporting diverse female voices?

Progress is made in the evolution of comedy when industry leaders champion new, diverse
storytellers. When we launched RIOT, Refinery29’s comedy brand, we made it our mission to
identify, support, and amplify diverse up-and-coming female comedy writers and performers. In
less than a year, Refinery29 has worked with over 100 of the most exciting emerging women in

What type of comedy writers and ideas are we looking for?

• The Riot Comedy Lab is about inclusion and representation, not checking boxes. With this
in mind we are looking for submissions from comedy writers whose stories and
perspectives are underrepresented in mainstream media and could benefit from industry
mentorship and workshopping.
• We are looking for stories that are radical, relatable, culturally responsive and funny.
Submissions Deadline: We will be accepting submissions through September 24th, 2017.
The Lab: The lab will be taking place on December 2nd & 3rd, 2017 in New York City.
Submission Requirements: Submissions must consist of these three materials to qualify.
• 1 Video Work Sample. Send us your best work. This can include any pre-existing
video that you’ve written including, but not limited to, a sketch, short film, or web series.

NOTE: This work sample will be evaluated to get a sense of your comedic style and
perspective, and will not be evaluated for quality of production.

• 1 Outline containing a web series idea. Let your imagination run wild. This 1-2 page
outline should establish the web series concept, themes, characters, and broad overview
of the season.
• 1 Pitch Video. Sell it to us. Applicants should create a 1-2 minute pitch video explaining
the web series concept from your outline. In the pitch video introduce yourself, explain
the concept from your outline, and say why you want to be a participant in the Riot
Comedy Lab. Note: This can be shot on your phone or laptop, and will not be judged for
production quality. Make sure that only you appear in the video. Refinery29 and Turner
retain the right to post these pitch videos on our channels without compensation to you.

THE COMEDY LAB AT A GLANCE: The weekend lab and overall program is designed to
workshop each participant’s original digital series from treatment through scripting and revision
stages. The goal of the program is to provide each participant with meaningful mentorship and
instruction from TV writers and TV execs to help participants sharpen their writing and navigate
the scripted development process. Post-Lab, each participant will implement the notes and insight
they’ve received during over the course of the weekend and submit a revised series pilot and

• STIPEND: Each participant will receive a stipend to work on a draft of their web series
pilot script and season outline over a one-month span, as well as address notes post-lab.
• PRE-LAB WRITING PROCESS: Each writer will have one month to work on their revised
treatment, pilot script, and season outline.
• DRAFT 01: Each writer will deliver the first draft of their treatment, script, and episode
outline 10 Days prior to the Comedy Lab. Drafts will be shared with development and
industry mentors, as well as other participants in the program so everyone can read in
advance of the lab.

PILOT ANNOUNCEMENT: At the end of the "Review Period" Refinery29 and TBS will select one project to produce a 5 – 7 minute pilot episode. Refinery29 and TBS will have the option to further develop the project as a series and distribute the project through their digital platforms.

Please be aware that participation in the Riot Comedy Lab is not covered by any union or guild.

All submissions must come through this google form.

If you have any questions, please email