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Financial Health Alert

Updated: March 19, 2020 at 6:20pm EST

Dear NYFA Students, Faculty and Staff,

This notification is offering you information to help you sustain your financial health and well-being. For guidelines to sustain your physical health and for updated travel alerts, please refer to the HUB:

Apparently, there are opportunists in this world who are using the collective fear and vulnerability generated by the coronavirus to their supreme advantage. These opportunists are criminals and they are launching clever scams that are enticing people to disclose personal information, donate money, or purchase products that don't exist.

Please be wary of emails, social media messages or texts requesting, for example, donations to agencies providing care to COVID-19 victims or selling COVID-19 vaccines, remedies and cures.

To avoid succumbing to social media scams and phishing emails, please follow the tips below:

  • Avoid opening email attachments and clicking on links in emails from senders you do not recognize. Attachments can contain malware, such as ransomware, that can infect your device and steal your information.
  • Delete emails from unknown sources and if you suspect they are scams, file a report with BBB Scam Tracker.
  • Delete or ignore emails or phone calls requesting you to verify account information.
  • Disregard and delete online offers for vaccinations against COVID-19.
  • Make sure your antivirus and anti-malware programs on your computer are routinely updated.
  • For up-to-date information on emerging scams, please visit the Federal Trade Commission website:

Stay alert. Stay smart. And rely only on trusted sources for all information regarding COVID-19.

NYFA Administration