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Updated March 10, 2020, 12:00pm

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

I would like to provide you with an update on NYFA's response to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

As you know from previous communications, we have been closely monitoring the evolving news and information about COVID-19. A special task force of administrators from our three domestic campuses meets daily to analyze the latest recommendations and information from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and state and local public health departments to ensure that we are coordinating our efforts to implement guidelines and best practices.

While we have had no cases or suspected cases of COVID-19 on any of our campuses, over the past week, cases have appeared in LA County, New York City and Florida. In this changing landscape, NYFA continues to engage in comprehensive efforts to support the health and safety of our community and to prepare to continue teaching enrolled students online should it become necessary to temporarily close or partially close a campus in the coming days or weeks. Circumstances may require different solutions in the three campuses and the cities in which they are located. Therefore, we may begin holding classes online at one campus while continuing it operate normally on another. Please be on alert for additional campus specific instructions that will follow this notice.

On all campuses we will be testing our distance learning platform later this week. Your department and our operations team will be reaching out to you shortly to verify what hardware or network support you may need. We will be asking everyone who has a personal computer to be prepared to use it to work and login to classes in the event it is needed. We will use our SMS alert system as well as NYFA email to inform you if a change to campus operations becomes necessary for any reason and to let you know the details of continuing your classes online.

In the meantime, we will continue to issue timely campus health alerts. We ask all NYFA students, faculty, and staff to adhere to all campus directives and personal hygiene practices, so together we can help protect the safety and well-being of our campus and community.

Thank you,

Michael Young
New York Film Academy