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Updated: March 2, 2020 at 2:47pm EST

Dear NYFA Students, Faculty and Staff,

The CDC continues to maintain that the US is at low risk for a coronavirus outbreak. Presently, there are 60 confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the US. As we learn of sustained community spread in countries outside of China, we have concern for the potential for community spread in the United States. NYFA is preparing to follow, to the best of our ability, CDC and public health department advisories that will be forthcoming in the event of community spread in LA, Miami, or NYC.  

Presently there are no reported cases of COVID-19 on any NYFA campus. 

The most effective way to maintain the safety of our community is through the practice of what are called personal, community and environmental nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs).  We urge each of you to do your part in ensuring your own health and the health of your fellow students and coworkers. In following the NEW guidelines noted below –strategies endorsed by the CDC and proven to be effective in preventing the transmission of illness- you will be taking good care of yourself and helping us keep our communities safe and healthy.

Guidelines for Students, Faculty and Staff 

If you are feeling ill; 

  • Stay home. 
  • If you have even mild respiratory illness (symptoms such as low grade fever, cough, difficulty breathing) seek medical assistance. Call your health care provider or local healthcare facility (see below for urgent care facilities near your campus), report your symptoms, and state where you have traveled within the past 14 days. You will be directed to schedule/attend an appointment, report to a nearby hospital, or rest at home until you are feeling better. 
  • Adhere to the recommendations communicated to you. 
  • Your health care provider will make medical decisions based on the nature and severity of symptoms you are experiencing and where and if you have traveled. •
  • In the event that your health care provider suspects that you are infected with the coronavirus, you will either be instructed to return home to administer self care, or you will be sent to a nearby hospital or clinic. If you are instructed to return home, stay home until you recover and until the day you are medically cleared to return to school/work. Wear a mask should you need to leave your home and wear a mask if you, when home, are in close contact with others. Avoid sharing household items. Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or into your sleeve. Dispose of the tissue in a lined trashcan and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Routinely and disinfect frequently touched surfaces of your home, such as TV remotes, computers, phones, refrigerator and door handles, etc. Avoid travel on public transportation (bus, subway, train, airplane). Await the results of your tests and abide by the medical instructions you receive from your healthcare provider. Monitor your symptoms and call your healthcare provider immediately if your symptoms are worsening. Contact NYFA staff (see below) for support and assistance. 
  • If you are diagnosed with the flu or other respiratory illness, ask your health care provider when you can to safely return to work/school, and follow your treatment recommendations. Wear a mask to campus and when traveling on public transportation if you are coughing and sneezing.

NYFA students, faculty and staff can receive same day medical assessment/treatment at the following facilities located in close proximity to campuses in NY, LA and Miami.

  • New York: CityMD 24 Broad Street, NY NY 10005 tel. 646.647.1259 
  • LA: Burbank Urgent Care 3413 Pacific Ave. #110, Burbank, CA 91505 tel.818.953.4408 
  • Miami: Baptist Health Urgent Care 709 Alton Road Miami, FL 33139 tel.786.422.0184

If you are feeling well (or cleared to return to school/work), please follow the best practice guidelines for good personal hygiene:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 
  • Stay home when you do feel sick. 
  • Cover your coughs or sneezes with a tissue (or sleeve), then throw the tissue in a lined trash can.
  • Avoid shaking hands, hugging and kissing coworkers and peers. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. 
  • Follow general precautions by getting the flu vaccination and taking antiviral medication, if prescribed. 

This health advisory and protocol will be revised as new information on the coronavirus becomes publically available. For more immediate CDC updates regarding the coronavirus and guidelines for response, please click on the link below:

What follows is a summary of current information gleaned from CDC and WHO reports, dated, March 2, 2020.

Incidence and Public Health Risk 

On Feb. 28, the World Health Organization raised its assessment of the global coronavirus risk from “high” to “very high”, the most serious assessment in its new four-stage alert system.

For the general American public, who are unlikely to be exposed to the virus at this time, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is considered low. 

According to CDC and WHO reports, there are 89,253 confirmed COVID-19 cases in 72 countries across the world. Of the confirmed cases reported, approximately 80,000 are in mainland China. Globally, 45,636 individuals with confirmed COVID-19 virus are fully recovered; 3,069 have died.

Incidence and Public Health Risk 

As of March 2, 2020, there are a total of 88 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States (WA, IL, CA, AZ, WI, MA, FL, RI, NY). This total includes the 45 confirmed COVID-19 cases among persons repatriated to the US from Wuhan, China (3) and the Diamond Princess Cruise ship (44). To date, the total number of deaths in the US related to COVID-19 is two.

The confirmed COVID-19 cases in the US include a mix of people who have either traveled to high-risk countries or who are believed to have contracted the virus domestically. Since Feb. 25, the CDC has confirmed the incidence of person-to person virus spread, raising concern for a potential coronavirus outbreak in the US. The concern was generated because at least four infected individuals did not present risk factors, and the pathway of virus transmission cannot be traced. The cases identified were in Northern California (Solano County and Santa Clara County), Washington State, and Oregon.

Florida and Washington State have declared public health emergencies.

However, the CDC continues to maintain that, at this time, there is no community spread in the US. 

The FDA has approved new testing centers in 40 labs and hospitals across the country. With increased ability to test for the virus in the US, the number of confirmed cases of COVID 19 in the US is likely to rise.

Both the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are tirelessly engaged in research to improve understanding of the virus’s transmissibility and its severity of risk to the health of individuals and communities. Should a global pandemic occur, the CDC, the WHO and public health departments will be issuing directives to hospitals, schools and communities on how best to respond. NYFA will be closely monitoring evolving risks to our community and implementing, to the best of our ability, coronavirus pandemic response plans for colleges and universities, as recommended by the CDC and state and local health departments.

Potential Health Risk to Individuals  
It is believed that COVID-2019 poses less of severe health risk that did the other coronaviruses, SARS and MERS. Approximately 20% of individuals infected with the COVID-19 become severely ill. Individuals most at risk for developing more severe symptoms are senior adults and individuals with chronic illness, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, or COPD. As of February 28, the total number of deaths from the coronavirus is 2,867, the total number of confirmed cases is approximately 83,000, and the fatality rate of the coronavirus is approximately 2%. In comparison, the fatality rates for SARS and MERS were 11% and 35%, respectively. 

The large majority (80%) of individuals who become infected with the coronavirus develop symptoms of mild severity. 

Prevention of Infection 
Presently, there is no vaccine for this virus or other coronaviruses. Prevention protocols are based on screening, early identification, and isolation of symptomatic individuals suspected and confirmed for infection. Individual risk is determined by virus exposure. 

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to COVID-19. 

Avoidance to exposure can be best accomplished by following the nonpharmaceutical interventions previously described -- staying home when sick, avoiding close contact with people who are sick, frequent hand washing with soap and water, covering coughs and sneezes, and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.

It is also very important to heed the travel advisories published by the CDC and US State Department. The CDC has issued a Travel Warning Level 3, advising travelers to avoid all nonessential travel to China, South Korea, Iran, and Italy. The State Department has issued a Warning Level 4: Do Not Travel in regard to travel to China the northern regions of Italy, and the Daegu region of South Korea. 

Click on the link below to view updates on CDC Travel Advisories:

F1/M1 International Student with questions regarding travel, please contact the appropriate International Student Office:

NY: 212.674.4300 
LA: 818.333.3558 
SB: 305.534.6009 

The prevention guidelines noted in this health alert are based on CDC, WHO and state and local health departments advisories. This health alert will be updated as new information and directives emerges. 

NYFA trusts that all members of its community will abide by these guidelines and do their part to ensure the health and wellness of our community.

NYFA Resources

Please report concerns regarding your health and/or the health of other NYFA students, faculty or staff members to one of the following individuals, depending on the campus where they study or work. 

Sandra Schein, Dean of Students, NY:
Susan Ashe, Dean of Students, LA:
Maylen Dominguez, Campus Dean, SB:

Pankti Shah, HR Director (LA):
Domingo Morales, Associate HR Director (NY, SoBE):

NYFA Administration