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March 2, 2020, 4:00pm EST

NYFA Travel Alert

Dear NYFA Students, Faculty and Staff,

In response to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, now referred to as COVID-19, NYFA is issuing travel restrictions to countries the US State Department and Centers For Disease Control (CDC) identify as presenting the highest risk for travel.

At this time, NYFA is restricting all travel to China, South Korea, Iran and Italy. These restrictions will be active until further notice. US State Department and CDC travel advisories are being closely monitored and this travel alert may be revised as new information emerges.

Students, faculty and staff arriving from Italy, China, Iran and South Korea will be subjected to a mandatory 14-day self-quarantine. If it is not possible for you to effectively self-quarantine in your home, please contact the dean of your campus (students) or Human Resources (employees)- contact information noted below- so that we can share with you alternative options.

Presently, according to federal regulations, foreign nationals arriving from China are not being granted entry to the US. 

Presently, there are no confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 on any NYFA campus. Presently, there is no evidence of sustained community spread in the United States. Community spread is a term used to describe the circumstance of people becoming infected without knowledge regarding from whom or from where the virus was contracted. The CDC and the US State Department revise their travel alerts, as needed, and in response to accelerated and wide spread virus transmission in countries and regions throughout the world.

NYFA will revise this travel alert and add travel restrictions in response to CDC and US State Department travel advisories.

We realize that many members of the NYFA community live globally and engage in routine and frequent international travel. Please closely evaluate your travel plans. As the CDC and US Department of State continue to evaluate the incidence of outbreak in individual countries, without much lead time, entry to the US from the country you are visiting may be prohibited, you may encounter canceled flights, and/or you may be subject to a 14 day government imposed quarantine before being granted entry back into the US. As of this weekend, for example, American, Delta, and United airlines have canceled flights to the Lombardo and Vento regions of Italy.

F1/M1 International Student with questions regarding travel, please contact the appropriate International Student Office:

NY: 212.674.4300
LA: 818.333.3558
SB: 305.534.6009

To best manage the potential for disruption to your travel plans, please consult frequently the CDC website for travelers-- and please consider purchasing travel insurance.

Your health, well-being and ability to safely continue your studies/work remain our highest priorities.

NYFA Resources For Individuals Required to Self-Quarantine:

Sandra Schein, Dean of Students, NY:
Susan Ashe, Dean of Students, LA:
Maylen Dominguez, Campus Dean, SB:

Pankti Shah, HR Director (LA):
Domingo Morales, Associate HR Director (NY, SoBE):

NYFA Administration