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Counseling Connect - Stress and Anxieties Support with NYC Counseling Director Jacky Hunt
Thursday, April 9, 2020 @ 10 AM
Join us to give and get support and to discuss stress management techniques to help you through social distancing and an unexpected life circumstance
Meeting ID: 210 359 793

Counseling Connect - Asian Student Support Group
Monday, April 13, 2020 @ 2 PM PT
Please join an open support group for Asian students at NYFA to explore the challenges of being away from home, loneliness and isolation, language challenges existing in a digital space and culture specific difficulties with classroom learning over Zoom. The group will be led by Dr. Stanley Tam (Director of Counseling at NYFA-Los Angeles), a Chinese-American who has been born and raised in Los Angeles and has lived in New York City for 10 years.
Meeting ID: 210 359 793

Counseling Connect - Finding Motivation & Focus with Counseling
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 @ 2:30 PT/5:30 ET
When everyday feels like Sunday: Finding motivation and focus with counseling

So many of us are looking for motivation and purpose during social distancing and remote learning: this is a forum for discussion of planning, goal setting, and connection with NYC Counseling Director Jacky Hunt.
Meeting ID: 541 391 008

Counseling Connect - Adapting to Life at Home: Creating a Safe and Healthy Space
Thursday, April 16, 2020 @ 2PM PT/5PM ET
Moved home before you wanted or expected to? Back to an uncomfortable home dynamic? Let’s talk about how to handle it together.
Meeting ID: 714 815 329

Stress Eating? You’re not alone! Here are some tips to keep the binges at bay, but know it’s OK to indulge while you adapt. Please be gentle on yourself.

Stress Drinking? Try going to the Barre instead or mix yourself a healthy drink. There are alternate ways to cope than drugs and alcohol; join Student Life and Counseling for wellness events every week during distance learning.

Want some help understanding your response to isolation, unexpectedly living with family, lost motivation? NYFA Counselors are always here for you

Support at NYFA:

Are you worried about not having a connection with your psychiatrist due to Covid-19?

Remote psychiatry appointments nationwide
Mindful Urgent Care | Same Day Psychiatric Services

Financial Stress
Economic uncertainty is one of the most common responses to Covid-19. Guilt, shame, and fear can pack a powerful punch. While none of us can predict with certainty what the future will be, you can prepare with this rich list of options at The Simple Dollar where you’ll find information about loan and utility bill forgiveness, federal relief, and more. Rest assured, companies are stepping up with understanding about inability to cover bills right now.

If you find yourself unable to cover the cost of food:

Relationship Support or Domestic Violence or Abuse
It can be intimidating to reach out for support or information during this time, but services are still available:

For support around healthy relationships, social distancing in the same space with someone angry, threatening, or abusive to you or a family member or loved one, register for one of these webinars from One Love

Substance Abuse Support Maintaining your sobriety or abstinence from other drugs can be difficulty, but the recovery community offers online chats and groups

Academic Support

Language Lab
In the midst of all the disturbance caused by the closure of the campus and social distancing measures, I'd like to remind International Students and teachers that

The Language Lab is still active. Students needing assistance with English pronunciation, listening, and grammar are encouraged to contact

Cultural Connections

  • See inside the world’s museums here
  • Get outside at our national parks here

Keeping Quiet
by Pablo Neruda

Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still
for once on the face of the earth,
let’s not speak in any language;
let’s stop for a second,
and not move our arms so much.

It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines;
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.