Your NYFA school ID is your library card. If you do not have your NYFA school ID yet, you may use your driver’s license or other official ID in the meantime.
DVDs: 1 week, maximum 3 DVDs at a time
Screenplays: 1 week, maximum 3 scripts at a time
Books: 2 weeks, maximum 3 books at a time
Magazines: In library use only
Reference Books: In library use only
You can renew in person or by sending an email to
It’s important to return your items on time. If you have unpaid fines or overdue items, a hold will be placed on your student account. Students on hold do not receive their certificates of completion, diplomas, or have access to transcripts. Fines are:
If you have completed a NYFA degree program you do have the option to continue using most Library services. Database access is, unfortunately, limited to current students. If you would like to gain Alumni Privileges you simply need to go to the Bursar’s Office and pay a fully refundable $50 deposit. Once you no longer need to use the Library, and provided no items go overdue or lost, you will get your entire deposit back.