About the Film:
"Drift" is a compelling two minutes short film that explores themes of loss, grief, and the complex dynamics of familial relationships. The narrative unfolds with subtlety and depth, presenting characters that are rich with emotion and complexity.
Role Descriptions:
Sarah (Lead, Female, 25-35):
Sarah is introspective and sensitive, with a silent strength that carries her through the painful loss of a loved one. She is grappling with the shifts in her familial relationships and is portrayed as emotionally intelligent, expressive, yet quietly bearing the weight of her grief.
James (Supporting, Male, 25-35):
James is Sarah’s older brother – a silent, thoughtful individual who internalizes his emotions. He is at a crossroads in life, deciding to leave town in hopes of a fresh start.
Key Information:
Shooting Date: October 16th, Monday, 2023, from 10 AM to 4 PM
Location: West Hollywood, CA
Payment: This is a non-paid role. However, transportation and refreshments will be covered for actors located within 15 miles of West Hollywood.
If you are interested in auditioning for "Drift", kindly respond to my email with your headshot, resume, and reel (if available). Upon review, we will provide you with more details about the audition process and schedule.
Contact email: s.liu3@student.nyfa.edu