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Project Description

PENANCE...Student Short Film.

Shooting Dates: June 18th, 2021-June 23rd, 2021 

Times: TBD

Location: Los Angeles, CA


Casting Notices: Please headline what role you are submitting for. 

Lead: Andri, Female (27-32) , Non-Union, Copy, Meals, IMDb Credit

Andri is a survivor and on a mission to avenge her brother's death. She is extremely intelligent, and cold. She grew up in the foster care system and found a way to survive on the streets.  Her faith has wavered since being shunned from her convent. Estranged from her sister she reaches out to her as a last  resort in seeking justice. she has somehow managed to continue her relationship with her former priest and seeks his serenity during her journey.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Required Media: Headshot/Photo


Supporting: Francis, Female (40-45) Non-Union, Copy, Meals, IMDb Credit

Francis the oldest of three children. She grew up with a mother who suffered from a drug addiction. Her father died when she was a teenager. She was placed in foster care with her siblings. once she turned eighteen she was forced to be on her own. She was recruited by a female police officer who later became her mentor. She joined the police force at the age of twenty one and is now a Detective. She attempted to get custody of her younger siblings but was denied. She was never married nor does she have any children. She is has been estranged from her younger sister Andri since her youngest sibling was found dead in his foster parents home. She can be described as calm, assertive and caring.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Required Media: Headshot/Photo

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Supporting: Father Paul, Male (60-65)  Non-Union, Copy, Meals, IMDb Credit

Father Paul was born to a noble family. Both of his parents are deceased. He has one remaining sibling  (a brother) out of six children. He attended catholic primary school and knew he wanted to become a priest at an early age. He completed his mission at the age of 18 and went onto serve at his local church. At the age of 30 he moved to the United States to take over "Our Church of Faith". He has been a priest for over 40 years. He is  easy to talk to, understanding and looked at as a father figure.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Required Media: Headshot/Photo

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Supporting: Levi, Male (40-45) Non-Union, Copy, Meals, IMDb Credit

LEVI was the oldest of his sister and brother. He is the only surviving child to his parents. He grew up in a middle class suburban  neighborhood. He married his late wife Sabrina at the age of 20. He and Sabrina never had children of their own. They worked as foster parents until Sabrina died from colon cancer six months prior. He is sarcastic, dishonest and anxious.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Required Media: Headshot/Photo


Supporting: Waylynn, Female (40-45) Non-Union, Copy, Meals, IMDb Credit

Waylynn is a bit of a drifter. She was raised by her Grandparents. She never knew her father and her mother died when she was an adolescent. She is single and has never been married. She's been waitressing for quite some time because it offers her the ability to move freely. She's a people person but aloof at times. She has a good heart and offers sound advice.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Required Media: Headshot/Photo