The Writing Center strives to provide students with support and guidance in order to promote academic growth. This office services currently enrolled NYFA students from all programs and departments, offering writing consultations for a variety of genres and assignments. We specifically target higher order writing concerns such as organization, content, and focus. While we do not proofread or edit for grammar or mechanical errors, we do instruct students on language usage. Outside of writing consultations, students can take advantage of workshop opportunities that target crucial topics in writing such as MLA and research strategies. As a member of the NYFA community, we also provide students with information about other resources and departments they may benefit from.
NYFA LA Writing Center
3300 Riverside Drive, Burbank, California 91505,
United States
(818) 333-3558
Monday-Saturday: By appointment only
Sunday: Closed
NYFA NY Writing Center
17 Battery Place, New York, New York 10004,
United States
Monday-Saturday: By appointment only
Sunday: Closed