COVID Safety Plan
Last updated: November 2, 2021. Please check this page often for updates.
Last Revision: November 2, 2021
A: Preparation of Facilities and Policies for Reopening
B: Repopulation of Facilities: Expectations of Employees and Students
C: Maintenance of Health and Safety Guidance
E: Illness Response and Containment
F: Communications and Trainings
G: Suspension or Shutdown of On-Campus Activities
H: Noncompliance and Disciplinary Measures
I: COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines for NYFA Physical Productions
V: Daily COVID-19 Symptom Attestation Form
VI: Reasons for Denial of Campus Access
VII: NYFA Self-Quarantine and Self-Isolation Guidelines
New York Film Academy: COVID SAFETY PLAN
The purpose of the New York Film Academy COVID Safety Plan is to establish clear guidelines for behavior and operational procedures that best promote safety and mitigate risk of illness spread.
The NYFA COVID Safety Plan incorporates best practice guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Center for Infectious Disease and Research and Policy (CIDRAP), State and Local Public Health Departments, the American College Health Association (ACHA), state Departments of Education, the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU), the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA), and industry protocols for film production. The research and deliberation invested in creating this protocol is testament to NYFA’s deep and prevailing concern for the health and well-being of NYFA students, faculty and staff and its mission to align with national and global efforts to mitigate and suppress the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease.
Aligning with our mission to protect the health and safety of our community above all else, the New York Film Academy will remain open for full in-person, on-campus instruction if and only if a significant majority of each campus community is fully vaccinated. To support this effort, and in compliance with the American College Health Association (ACHA) recommendation, NYFA requires all students, faculty and staff on the Los Angeles and New York campuses and all faculty and staff on the South Beach (SB) campus to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The state laws that govern the NYFA South Beach campus do not permit NYFA to mandate a COVID-19 vaccination for students. South Beach students, however, are strongly urged to be fully vaccinated by Fall so that all NYFA campuses may return to offering students and employees a robust learning and working environment, without many of the restrictive health and safety protocols established in April 2020.
This is a living document. Guidelines may be revised in response to emerging information about the virus and its variants, the effectiveness of the vaccines against new variants, the duration of immunity afforded by the vaccines, the potential need for booster doses of vaccine, and consequent updates to public health department directives.
Please read the protocol detailed below. Full compliance by all employees and students in order to enter NYFA facilities to work and/or attend classes is expected; noncompliance with the following guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action.
Preparation of Facilities and Policies for Full In-Person Reopening
- A Response to Public Health Emergency Policy was created, mandating all students and employees of the Los Angeles (LA) and New York (NY) campuses to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 for the 2021-2022 academic year.
- Students and employees of the LA and NY campuses received information and guidance via email regarding how to achieve compliance with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement, how to secure vaccinations, how to achieve full vaccination status, where to submit proof of vaccination, and how to apply for medical exemptions.
- Students of the South Beach (SB) campus are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 for the 2021-2022 academic year. Although NYFA, in observance of Florida State law, cannot mandate vaccination of South Beach students, the NYFA SB campus will remain open for full-in-person, on campus instruction as long as a significant number of its community members are fully vaccinated. Students and employees of the SB campus received information and guidance via email regarding how to secure COVID-19 vaccinations, how to achieve full vaccination status, and how to submit proof of vaccination.
- The SB campus will maintain essential health and safety protocols and mandates, such as physical distancing, pre-entry and serial COVID-19 testing, and mask wearing, should less than a significant number of its community members remain unvaccinated.
- Students requesting and granted exemptions prior to the start of their programs (New York and Los Angeles), or unvaccinated students on the South Beach campus, will be advised of and required to adhere to health and testing protocols to gain entry to facilities and participate in all indoor NYFA classes and activities. Unvaccinated students in New York and Los Angeles who have not been granted exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccine requirement will not be permitted to enter campus or attend in-person NYFA programs and activities.
- Students/employees who are immunocompromised and hence not afforded robust immunity from the COVID-19 vaccines, are encouraged to request accommodations and follow guidelines to protect their health and safety. To request accommodations, vaccinated, immunocompromised employees and students are to report their needs to the HR Director or Dean of Students, respectively, prior to reopening.
- Attendance policies and sick leave policies are liberalized and amended to foster compliance with securing COVID-19 vaccinations, experiencing side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines, experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, awaiting COVID-19 diagnostic, observing required self-quarantine, or recovering from COVID-19 illness. Regarding students, however, NYFA is obligated to follow federal regulatory guidelines for attendance and withdrawal.
- Information regarding vaccine safety, effectiveness, and potential side effects is posted to the Student Hub; information regarding the COVID-19 vaccines will be updated to the Student Hub as new information emerges.
- Ample supplies of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved cleaning and disinfecting agents, hand sanitizer, hand soap, paper towels and tissues are purchased and will be replenished as needed to ensure CDC recommendations for personal and facility hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
- NYFA facilities are ventilated with the best possible fan/filtration systems to reduce the concentration of viral particles and reduce risk of virus spread in indoor environments.
- Ample supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are purchased and available to disperse to students/employees when needed and upon request.
- Restrooms, common areas, high touch surfaces, furniture (including upholstered) are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected daily according to OSHA and CDC guidelines.
- High-touch surfaces (elevator buttons, hallway, classroom and bathroom door handles, faucets) are treated with Nanoseptic Sleeves prior to reopening.
- NYFA COVID Symptom Tracker App was created and updated to track vaccination status of students/employees and provide health screenings for students/employees, vaccinated and unvaccinated.
- Members of the NYFA COVID-19 Administration Team, trained to observe all relevant privacy laws, verify and respond to student and employee submissions of COVID-19 diagnostic test results and COVID-19 vaccination cards/booklets/documents, review data collected through the NYFA COVID Symptom Tracker App, perform contact tracing, respond to student and employee reports of symptoms, manage the operation of the Isolation Room, report COVID-19 positive test results to local public health departments, offer support and guidance to NYFA students and employees in self-quarantine and self-isolation, respond to reports of noncompliance, and communicate observations and concerns to NYFA COVID-19 RESPONSE TASK FORCE members.
Repopulation of Facilities: Expectations of Employees and Students
PLEASE NOTE: For the purpose of this document, unvaccinated students/employees refers to individuals who are not vaccinated, individuals who are partially vaccinated (received only one dose of a two-dose vaccine; received all required doses of an FDA or WHO vaccine approved for emergency use, but less than 14 days have passed since final dose), and individuals who received all doses of a required vaccine not yet approved by the F.D.A or the W. H. O. for emergency use).
- SELF-QUARANTINE: Unvaccinated employees and students arriving to campus from outside the US are required to self-quarantine for 10 days. For self-quarantine guidelines, see Appendix VII, Self-Quarantine and Self-Isolation Guidelines. Additional directives for quarantine may be required in the state of campus location. Students/employees who are fully vaccinated before arriving to the US are not required to self-quarantine.
- PRE-ENTRY TESTING: All students and employees, regardless of vaccination status, are required to be tested for COVID-19 and submit confirmation of negative results to,, prior to campus entry. Documentation of test results must indicate that an RT- PCR COVID-19 test was administered within 7 days prior to the first day of campus entry and that the test result was negative. Information on where to access testing is detailed here . If denied access to free COVID-19 testing and denied insurance coverage for COVID-19 testing, contact HR or the Campus Dean.
- Students/employees are excused from the pre-entry test requirement if they are recovered from COVID-19 and submit to their COVID-19 Team Administrators a COVID-19 RT-PCR Test Report that indicates: 1) a positive test result, and 2) the COVID-19 diagnostic test was administered more than 10 days prior, and not more than 90 days prior to the first day of campus entry..
- Students/employees not present on campus and/or not attending NYFA activities for 4 weeks or longer are required to submit negative RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test results to their COVID-19 Team Administrators before gaining entry again to an in-person class or activity. In other words, submitting an initial negative RT-COVID-19 diagnostic test result at the beginning of the semester does not validate re-entry to campus and in-person classes or activities if a student/employee has not been present on campus, or participating in NYFA activities, for four weeks or longer..
- TRAINING: All employees and students are required to complete a COVID-19 Safety Training Course accessible on the Student Hub (students) or Paycom (employees). Students/employees who do not complete the required safety trainings will not be permitted to attend in-person NYFA activities or instruction, on or off campus.
- COVID-19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AGREEMENT: All employees and students are required to sign agreements to strictly follow all NYFA directed safety protocols and acknowledge the potential risks posed by COVID-19. See Appendices II and III, COVID-19 Acknowledgement Agreement for Students and COVID-19 Acknowledgement Agreement for Employees, respectively.
- SYMPTOM TRACKING: Unvaccinated employees and students are advised to report symptoms via the NYFA COVID Symptom Tracker App, for each of the 10 days prior to the first day of in- person classes or activities. All students/employees, vaccinated and unvaccinated, are required to report symptoms via the NYFA COVID Symptom Tracker App on days they are scheduled to participate in in-person classes and activities.
- DAILY CHECK-IN: All students and employees must report to campus designated check-in areas before entering classrooms and participating in scheduled on-campus activities.
- Individuals waiting to check-in are encouraged to stand a minimum of 3 feet behind the person ahead and observe signage and floor markers (on all campuses until a significant majority of the community is fully vaccinated).
- WEARING MASKS: Depending upon the extent to which our campuses are fully vaccinated, levels of transmission in the campus region, and local and state health department directives, employees and students may be required to wear well-fitted, quality masks when participating in NYFA programs and activities when on-campus and when participating in all indoor NYFA programs and activities. Presently, all students and employees, vaccinated and unvaccinated, are required to wear masks when indoors, on campus, and when participating in off-campus, indoor NYFA activities. NYFA will distribute to all students and employees one NYFA reusable multilayered filtering mask. A supply of disposable face masks will be available for temporary replacement for individuals who forget to bring their masks.
- INDIVIDUALS MEDICALLY UNABLE TO WEAR FACE MASKS: Students/employees with medical conditions and/or disabilities wanting to work/learn on campus, but unable to wear a NYFA face mask or comparable face covering, will be offered the opportunity to file a request for an ADA accommodation through the Accessibility Office (students) or HR (employees). Once medical documentation is submitted and the medical necessity for modification of the fack mask policy is substantiated, NYFA will provide the student/employee, at NYFA's expense, a silicone face mask inner support frame, designed to improve breathability when appropriate face coverings are worn. If this option is not acceptable to the student/employee, the student/employee may wear a comparable face covering of his/her/their own choosing, provided that the mask is reviewed and approved by the NYFA medical consultant.
- FEELING SICK: Individuals experiencing any one of the following symptoms (unexplained or unrelated to known or diagnosed chronic and/or preexisting medical conditions) will be prohibited from entering the building and directed to visit a COVID-19 testing facility near home or campus for administration of a RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test..
- Cough, Fever (100.4 or greater), Chills, Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing, Sore Throat, Fatigue, Headache, New Loss of Taste or Smell, Muscle or Body Aches, Congestion or Runny Nose, Diarrhea, Nausea or Vomitin
- Individuals with symptoms who have been tested for COVID-19 must stay home and wait to receive their COVID-19 RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test results.
- Individuals who receive a positive test result will not be granted access to any NYFA facility until all of the following conditions are true: 1) Ten days have passed since the day symptoms first appeared (if asymptomatic, ten days have passed since day of diagnostic (RT-PCR) testing); 2) Individual has been fever free for 24 hours since last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; 3) symptoms are significantly improved; and 4) the individual has been cleared to enter campus by the COVID-19 Team Administrator.
- Individuals experiencing symptoms who have had exposure (due close contact with an infected person or travel) within the past 14 days and who receive a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR diagnostic test result can return to campus EITHER three days after the day they were tested if all symptoms are significantly improved OR one day after they were tested if all symptoms are fully resolved AND when cleared to enter campus by the COVID-19 Team Administrator.
- If symptoms are not improved within 3 days or if new COVID-19 related symptoms emerge, individuals are required to request a second RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test to confirm the reliability of the first test administered.
- Any individual who is not fully vaccinated and who has returned from travel within 10 days or any individual who is not fully vaccinated and has had exposure to a person with confirmed COVID-19 within ten days will not be permitted entry to campus until the 10 day quarantine period is ended; entry will granted after Day 10 of self-quarantine if and only if the individual had no symptoms for the duration of the quarantine period. All individuals who are in self-quarantine for exposure or travel must take their temperature twice daily and closely monitor symptoms for 14 days after time of exposure or travel.
- Students and employees who are vaccinated and asymptomatic do not have to self-quarantine upon return from travel. However, vaccinated students and employees returning from travel to international destinations of high and very high incident rates ( CDC Level 3 and CDC Level 4) and vaccinated students and employees who have been exposed to person (s) testing positive for COVID-19 must get an RT-PCR COVID-19 Diagnostic Test 3-5 days after last day of travel or exposure and submit report of test results to the COVID-19 Team Administrator.
- Individuals who are not vaccinated, yet in sustained or regular contact with persons confirmed with COVID-19 are not allowed building entry.
- Employees and students who have recovered from suspected or test-confirmed COVID-19, will not be granted entry into the building unless all of conditions noted below are true:
- Ten days have passed since the first day symptoms first appeared.
- The individual has been fever free for 24 hours since last fever without the use of fever reducing medications..
- The individual is no longer experiencing symptoms, or all symptoms are SIGNIFICANTLY Improved.
- The individual meets all criteria above and the individual has not been exposed to a person with COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
- The individual is cleared to enter campus by the COVID-19 Team Administrator.
- PHYSICAL DISTANCING (on all campuses until a significant majority of the campus community is fully vaccinated): Physical distancing must be maintained in reception areas, lobbies, restrooms and all open areas in the facility.
- Classrooms are designed to maximize distancing. As in all spaces, individuals must wear appropriate facial coverings at all times (for all campuses until a significant majority of the community is fully vaccinated).
Maintenance of Health and Safety Guidance
- Guidelines for Safe Behavior:
- WEARING MASKS: Depending on the extent to which each campus is fully vaccinated, the level of transmission in the campus region and local and state public health department directives, employees and students may be required to wear well-fitted and quality masks whenever on campus and attending indoor NYFA programs. Presently, all students and employees, vaccinated and unvaccinated, are required to wear masks when indoors, on campus, and when participating in off-campus, indoor NYFA activities. NYFA will distribute to all students and employees one NYFA reusable multilayered filtering mask. A supply of disposable face masks will be available for temporary replacement for individuals who forget to bring their masks.
- If wearing a mask is required on a NYFA campus, students/employees with medical conditions and/or disabilities, unable to wear a well-fitted, quality face covering and wanting to work/learn on campus, must request ADA accommodations through either the NYFA Accessibility Office (students) or HR (employees).
- PHYSICAL DISTANCING (required on all campuses where a significant majority of the campus is not fully vaccinated): Employees and students must maximize physical distancing as allowed by the spaces occupied.
- FREQUENT HAND WASHING/SANITIZING: Employees and students, and especially those who are not fully vaccinated, are advised to wash hands frequently with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds, and particularly after touching high-touch surfaces. Employees and students may use sanitizer available in dispensers placed throughout campus when access to soap and water is not readily available. Employees and students are strongly encouraged to carry their own travel supply of hand sanitizer to use when off-campus and on-campus, when accessing the dispensers on campus is not immediately possible. Do not use hand sanitizers containing methanol, per FDA Advisory.
- Employees and students are advised to sanitize or wash hands before and after use of any shared objects, such as computers, cameras, etc.
- OTHER ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND HYGIENE PRACTICES: Employees and students must be vigilant in practicing good personal hygiene on and off campus to safeguard their own health and safety. Especially if one is not fully vaccinated, these additional practices are strongly recommended:
- Cover coughs and sneezes with tissues (or sleeves) and throw tissues in covered, lined trash cans.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Wash reusable masks regularly.
- Do not share food and drink, especially with those who are not fully vaccinated.
- Do not share personal belongings such as water bottles, make up, makeup applicators, cell phones, tablets, laptops, especially with those who are not fully vaccinated.
- Employees and students should refrain from shaking hands or engaging in other close physical greetings with coworkers and peers, especially when the vaccination status of both parties is unknown.
- Students and employees are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated against the flu during fall semester, per public health departments’ directives; the fewer people contracting the flu will prevent the overburden of hospitals and supply chains across the country. A combination of both viruses, or one after the other, may also negatively impact an individual’s health, respiratory health and overall ability to recover.
- SYMPTOMS PROTOCOL: Employees and students, regardless of vaccination status, experiencing any of the symptoms below will be required to immediately leave campus, pursue RT-PCR diagnostic testing for COVID-19 (if the symptoms below are unexplained and/or not known to be related to a chronic or preexisting medical condition) and report symptoms and testing outcomes to the Campus COVID-19 Administrator. Employees and students leaving campus to request testing must self-isolate until test results are received.
- Fever (100.4 F and higher)
- Cough
- Chills
- Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle of Body Aches
- Headache
- New Loss of Taste or Smell
- Sore Throat
- Congestion or Runny Nose
- Diarrhea
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Individuals who are not in quarantine for probable exposure to a person who tested positive for COVID-19 and who receive a negative COVID -19 RT-PCR test result can return to campus EITHER three days after the day they were tested if ALL symptoms are significantly improved OR one day after the day of testing if and only if ALL symptoms are fully resolved.
- If symptoms are not improved within 3 days or if new symptoms have emerged, individuals are required to request a second COVID-19 RT-PCR diagnostic test to confirm the reliability of the first test administered.
- PROTOCOL AFTER EXPOSURE TO A PERSON TESTING POSITIVE FOR COVID-19: Unvaccinated students and employees who have had close contact with person (s) with confirmed COVID-19 during their infectious period will be required to: 1) self-quarantine for 10 days and 2) closely monitor symptoms for 14 days and comply with personal health practices as described in the NYFA Self Quarantine and Self Isolation document (Appendix Vll). Students and employees required to self-quarantine will be allowed entry to campus upon clearance from their COVID-19 Team Administrator. Unvaccinated students/employees may reduce the quarantine period to 7 days if and only if they seek an RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test 5 or more days after the last day of exposure and submit valid proof of a negative test result to the COVID-19 Team Administrator.
- Vaccinated students and employees who have had close contact with person(s) with confirmed COVID-19 during their infectious period will be required to: 1) seek a RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test 5-7 days after exposure, 2) submit a valid report of their test result to their COVID-19 Team Administrator, 3) avoid contact 14 days after last day of exposure with individuals at risk of severe COVID-19 illness and 4) closely monitor their symptoms for 14 days after last day of exposure.
- Vaccinated and unvaccinated students who test positive for COVID-19 post exposure will be required to self-isolate and comply will all self-isolation directives, as described in the NYFA Self-Quarantine and Self-Isolation Guidelines document (Appendix Vll).
- TESTING PROTOCOL WHEN SICK: All students/employees, unvaccinated AND vaccinated, reporting one or more COVID-19 related symptoms are required to seek and submit results for RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic testing.
- Students/employees who are recovered from COVID-19 and who were diagnosed with COVID-19 within 90 days of symptom onset must self-isolate until symptoms are resolved but are exempt from getting tested for COVID-19 IF AND ONLY IF symptoms are not new and symptoms have a clear and identifiable cause. Students/employees who are recovered from COVID-19 and diagnosed with COVID-19 within 90 days of symptom onset and who report or experience NEW or UNEXPLAINED COVID-19 related symptoms must self isolate and seek medical consultation or get a RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test. Students/employees recently recovered from COVID-19 and reporting or experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms will be permitted to resume participation in NYFA in-person classes or activities when permitted to do so by their COVID-19 Team Administrator.
- Students/employees having received one or two doses of vaccine and students/employees who have been recovered from COVID-19 for more than 90 days prior to symptom onset are required to self-isolate, get an RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test and report negative test results before resuming participation in NYFA in-person classes or activities.
- Individuals who receive a positive diagnostic COVID-19 test result will not be granted reentry to any NYFA facility until all of the following conditions are true: 1) Ten days have passed since the day symptoms first appeared; 2) Individual has been fever free for 24 hours since last fever without the use of fever reducing medications, 3) Symptoms are significantly improved; and 4) the individual has had no exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
- ON-CAMPUS WEEKLY TESTING: Unvaccinated students/employees will be tested for COVID-19 diagnostic weekly on days scheduled to attend on-campus classes or activities. Testing will be at no cost to students/employees. Participation in weekly testing is mandatory for all unvaccinated students and employees attending in-person and on-campus activities.
- Unvaccinated students/employees are exempt from participation in on-campus weekly testing if a prior RT-PCR COVID-19 test result report indicates that they tested positive for COVID-19 more than ten days prior to and not beyond 90 days from the proposed date of on-campus weekly testing.
- Students under age 18 may need parental consent to participate in mandatory on-campus weekly testing.
- NYFA GUIDELINES FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL: NYFA strongly discourages all nonessential international travel during and between semesters. Fully vaccinated students/employees returning from essential international travel are not required to self-quarantine post travel, but are required to seek RT-PCR testing 3-5 days after return from travel, submit their COVID-19 test result reports to their campus COVID-19 Team Administrator, and monitor symptoms for 14 days post return from travel. Unvaccinated students/employees returning from essential international travel will be required to self-quarantine for 10 days after the day they return to their campus region and before participating in any in-person NYFA class or activity, and for 14 days post travel, closely monitor their symptoms and check their temperature twice daily. As of November 8, 2021, all non U.S. citizens 18 years and older will be required to show proof of full vaccination status before boarding all U.S. bound flights. All air travelers to the U. S., regardless of vaccination status, are required to present proof of negative COVID-19 test results or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 prior to boarding any U.S. bound flight. When the COVID-19 test must be administered will depend on the traveler’s vaccination status and age. To avoid any disruption to your work/learning and ensure a safe return to the U.S. NYFA urges students/employees to consult the CDC Travel Advisory for Air Travel to the United States.
- NYFA GUIDELINES FOR DOMESTIC TRAVEL: Fully vaccinated students/employees can safely travel within the U.S. when taking the CDC recommended precautions. Unvaccinated students/employees returning from domestic travel to the campus region are required to do the following before entering campus and being permitted to participate in classes and NYFA-related activities: 1) self-quarantine for 10 days after the day of return to the campus region 2) avoid contact with people at increased risk for severe illness for 14 days post travel, and 3) monitor for 14 days for COVID-19 related symptoms. The self-quarantine period may be reduced to 7 days if and only if the unvaccinated student/employee gets an RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test 3-5 days post return from travel and submits to their campus COVID-19 Team Administrator a valid report of a negative test result. However, even with diagnostic testing and a negative COVID-19 test results, the CDC recommends monitoring of symptoms and avoiding contact with those at risk of severe illness for the full 14 days.
- Failure to follow the guidelines above may result in disciplinary action.
- Students and employees reporting a positive COVID-19 Antibody Test (indication of prior coronavirus infection) result remain accountable for following all guidelines noted above.
- Guidelines for Safe Building and Environment Maintenance:
- Hand sanitizer receptacles are placed strategically throughout the building and are continually monitored and refilled, as needed.
- Soap dispensers in all bathrooms are monitored and refilled, as needed.
- Paper towel supplies in all restrooms are monitored and replenished as needed.
- All High-touch surfaces (elevator buttons, hallway, classroom and bathroom door handles, faucets) are protected by Nanoseptic Sleeves for continuously self-cleaning touchpoints.
- Cleaning/Disinfecting activities are monitored and confirmed daily.
- Employees are provided cleansers/disinfectants and encouraged to frequently clean the surfaces of their office spaces. Employees are required to unclutter desks to facilitate effective cleaning/disinfecting.
- A record of all students, employees and any other essential entrants to campus facilities is maintained and reviewed for contact tracing purposes.
- Floor markings and plastic shields to promote physical distancing are maintained and replaced as needed.
- Building ventilation systems are monitored to ensure optimum functioning.
- Microwaves, refrigerators, coffee makers, teapots are available for use only on campuses where a significant majority of students, faculty and staff are fully vaccinated.
- Unauthorized visitors are denied entry to campus. Authorized visitors must complete health screening.
- Any room not scheduled for use is locked, when possible, and prohibited from use.
Density Management (for all campuses until a significant majority of the campus community is vaccinated):
- Campus occupancy will reduced to 60% of full capacity, accomplished accordingly:
- Programs adopt a hybrid model of instruction to limit the number of class hours delivered in-person.
- Preference for in person instruction is given to classes that most require hands-on learning.
- Staff able to perform their duties remotely may, with supervisor’s approval, continue to work from home.
- Offices and workspaces onsite are arranged or staffed to maximize physical distancing.
- Class starting times are staggered to the extent that students and instructors will occupy campus for specific blocks of time, not to exceed 4 hours, when possible.
- Activities and Services
- Athletic events are cancelled.
- Student life activities, such as Orientation, club meetings, social events, and educational programming will be offered either online or in-person.
- Student Support and Administrative Services such as Counseling Services, Veterans Services, International Student Services, Accessibility Services, Housing, Library Services, Writing Center, Language Lab, Title IX, Student Conduct, Grievance, Academic Advising, Bursar, Financial Aid, and Registrar will be offered either in-person or online.
Illness Response and Containment
- Illness Response:
- Employees and students feeling ill on campus are to immediately contact the Campus Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator to report symptoms.
- The Campus Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator based on nature and severity of reported symptoms directs student/employee to the nearest testing facility, and assists in accessing transportation, if needed.
- If symptoms are severe and/or the individual cannot immediately leave the NYFA facility, the student/employee is directed to the NYFA Isolation Room. This room serves as a holding room until an individual with symptoms can be safely transferred to a health care facility for evaluation/treatment. Only the individual experiencing symptoms and the COVID-19 Team Administrator can occupy the Isolation Room at any given time; both must wear NYFA masks or masks of comparable quality to enter Isolation Room.
- The Campus Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator secures individuals contact information to follow up with the outcome of assessment and/or testing.
- Containment:
- Isolation Room is closed after use. It is cleaned/disinfected at least 24 hours after evacuation.
- In the event the student or employee experiencing symptoms tests positive for COVID-19, Designated COVID-19 Team Administrators contact the Public Health Department to report confirmed cases of COVID-19 and receive direction.
- Campus Designated Covid-19 Team Administrator contacts the Campus Director of Operations to report confirmed cases of COVID-19 of students, faculty, or staff.
- Community is notified via an alert system of potential exposure to SARS-CoV2.
- Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator, if directed by Public Health Department personnel, begins the contact tracing process.
- If contact tracing is mandated, individuals suspected of having had close contact with an infected person are notified of exposure and directed to self quarantine, Close contact is defined as being within 6 feet for 10 minutes or longer of an infected person for a cumulative total of 10 minutes or more over a 24 hour period, starting from two days prior to symptom onset (or for asymptomatic persons, two days prior to test specimen collection) and until the time the infected person is isolated. Students and employees will be contacted and directed to self-quarantine by the local public health department or the Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator. As per ADA regulations, the identity of the infected individual is not disclosed.
- Campus Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator contacts the student or employee who tested positive for COVID-19 to assist with contact tracing, access names of NYFA students and employees having had close contact with infected person, and determine if the person with COVID-19, if directed to recover at home, is able to live in isolation from others and access safe meal and medication delivery. If any individual needs assistance complying with self-isolation directives, the Designated COVID-19 Administrator seeks support from the local public health department and local resources.
- Students and employees who are directed to self-quarantine or self-isolate will receive, in addition to guidance that may be provided by the local public health department, a NYFA communication describing CDC guidelines for effective self-quarantine and self-isolation and lists of resources for access to testing or medical assistance.
- Per public health department directives, buildings may be closed for 2-5 days for deep cleaning/disinfecting. Building reopens upon direction and approval of the local public health department.
- During any time of building closure, all classes are delivered via the online platform.
Communications and Trainings
- Communications:
- NYFA actively promotes the vaccination of its campus communities by providing information on approved vaccines, their efficacy and safety, possible side effects and guidance on how to secure vaccines at each campus location.
- NYFA informs students and employees of the vaccination rates on their campuses.
- NYFA maintains daily for each campus a Campus Dashboard documenting the number of students/employees testing positive for COVID-19, the number of students in isolation and quarantine, and the number of students and employees experiencing severe illness and death within each community.
- Health guidance to reflect emerging and updated information regarding local virus transmission, community spread and CDC and local public health department directives and resources is published to the HUB, reviewed daily and revised when needed.
- External communication to the NYFA website is updated to inform communities of campus actions in response to new and emerging health directives, vaccination status of the campus community, illness spread on campuses and in relevant regions and states, and any notable changes to operation and delivery of instruction.
- Students and employees receive confirmation of receipt and safe storage of documentation submitted to verify negative diagnostic COVID-19 test results and COVID-19 vaccination status.
- Employee and student symptoms are communicated via the COVID Symptom Tracker App to NYFA staff trained to observe ADA and FERPA privacy laws. NYFA Staff monitors employee and student compliance with required communication of symptoms.
- Records indicative of positive symptoms are reviewed daily by the Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator. The Designated Team COVID-19 Administrator contacts employees and students reporting positive symptoms to confirm that individuals with symptoms are not entering NYFA facilities and are seeking testing, as directed.
- The Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator follows-up with employees and students seeking testing in response to reported symptoms to provide support to individuals needing to self-quarantine while awaiting test results, and to secure test results once received.
- An electronic handout outlining CDC and public health department guidelines for self-isolation, self-quarantine, seeking urgent medical assistance, and when it is safe to terminate self-quarantine and return to campus is included in this document and distributed to students and employees before reopening and if and when unvaccinated students and employees are directed to self-quarantine in response to exposure to COVID-19 or self-isolate in response to testing positive for COVID-19. See Appendix VII, Self-Quarantine and Self-Isolation Guidelines.
- Monitoring congregate reports of COVID-19 symptoms, the COVID-19 Team Administrator notifies the COVID-19 Task Force of any remarkable spikes of symptoms of illness within NYFA populations or within any NYFA housing facility, where applicable. If it is decided that immediate transition for one or more programs from a full in-person or hybrid instruction to an exclusively online learning environment is necessary, the appropriate Department Chairs are notified, and students and instructors are informed of said decisions by COVID-19 Response Task Force members (HR and Campus Deans).
- Should a student or employee test positive for COVID-19, the Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator calls the Public Health Department for guidance and, if advised, proceeds with contract tracing within the NYFA community.
- The incidence rates of COVID-19 within each campus community is recorded and updated via the Campus Dashboards whenever a community member tests positive for COVID-19 and appropriately informs any member of the COVID-19 Administration Response Team.
- The Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator informs the Director of Operations of the exposure to the community to COVID-19.
- The Director of Operations or designated member of the COVID-19 Administrative Response Team notifies the community, via email or emergency text, of exposure and, if needed, required closure of facilities.
- The Director of Operations alerts the community when it is safe to repopulate campus facilities.
- Trainings:
- Employees are required to complete the COVID-19 Health and Safety Training assigned via Paycom.
- Students are required to complete the COVID-19 Safety Training accessible on the Student Hub.
- Posters are displayed in strategic areas throughout campus providing instruction on washing hands effectively, maintaining physical distance, and best practice guidance on wearing and washing masks.
- All newly Designated COVID-19 Team Administrators will participate in the Johns Hopkins Contact Tracing training course offered by Coursera.
- Communications:
Suspension or Shutdown of On-Campus Activities
NYFA is fully prepared to transition, if and whenever necessary and for as long as necessary, from full in-person instruction to hybrid to 100% online study. All faculty and staff are trained and prepared to adapt readily to an online platform, which NYFA has been using since March 16, 2020 to date.
- Operational Activities:
- In the event of a spike, as determined through analysis by the COVID-19 Team Administrator, in COVID-19 symptoms reported by students of one cohort or multiple cohorts within one program, students in that cohort or program (department) and all associated instructors will transition from either fully in-person instruction (NY and LA) or hybrid instruction (SB) to an exclusively online platform until test results confirm that it is safe to return to campus. Employees performing essential administrative tasks are provided directives on whether to remain on campus to perform their duties or work remotely.
- In the circumstances noted above, instructors of said programs may be present on campus to teach their courses within the online environment, if and only if cases of COVID-19 have not been confirmed and/or the premises have been adequately disinfected.
- If the incident rates of confirmed COVID-19 in the NYFA Community across multiple cohorts or departments at any time exceeds the incident rates of the region in which a campus is located, the campus may shut down for an indefinite period of time, during which all instruction delivery will transition to an exclusively online platform.
- All facilities will shut down in response to directives from local and state governments or health agencies. Instruction during shutdown will be delivered exclusively online.
- Should NYFA be a hotspot of transmission within a community that is evidencing wide community spread, a NYFA shutdown will be temporary; no campus will reopen, however, without guidance and approval from local public health departments.
- Moving Out:
- Housing Coordinators provide upon request resources to help students move out of NYFA student residences, where applicable, should they decide to do so in the event of extended campus closure.
Noncompliance and Disciplinary Measures
To support one another and maintain an environment conducive to learning and reaching our potentials as artists, students, and educators, the best practice guidelines for promoting health and mitigating risk of illness, as presented in the NYFA COVID Safety Plan, will be strictly enforced. Noncompliance with the health and safety guidelines contained in the NYFA COVID-19 Safety Plan will be viewed as conduct that potentially threatens the health and safety of our community. Any student or employee found responsible for failing to comply with the health and safety guidelines noted in this protocol may be subject to suspension or expulsion from their programs or termination of employment.
It is the responsibility of each member of the NYFA community to kindly and gently remind peers and colleagues to comply with safety guidelines. If a safety concern is not readily resolved through the initial and respectful request of compliance, reports of violations are to be immediately directed to the on campus Designated COVID-19 Team Administrator. The NYFA COVID-19 Team Administrator will take immediate appropriate action and/or process the violation per NYFA policies.
Anyone feeling uncomfortable engaging in direct but gentle confrontation with an individual who is violating the COVID Safety Plan is invited to seek assistance from a NYFA faculty or staff member and/or contact immediately the COVID-19 Team Administrator to report the observed violation.
Responding to one another with kindness, sensitivity and respect remains paramount, especially during this time of fear and uncertainty. Behaviors of bullying, harassment, or discrimination will be considered violations of NYFA Student and Employee Codes of Conduct and NYFA institutional discrimination policies and will be processed accordingly.
COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines for NYFA Physical Productions
During pre-production, each production must develop a COVID Safety Plan to address the measures to limit the risk of virus spreading (according to Safety Guidelines) through all phases of production.
Productions with SAG/AFTRA actors must follow Return to Work Agreement guidelines.
- All non-NYFA cast and crew must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and submit proof of immunization to the production.
- People are considered fully vaccinated 14 days after receiving their final required dose of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by the FDA or WHO for emergency use.
- No exception to the above policy will be made for minors, regardless of whether the vaccine is available to people in that age bracket.
- NYFA students who are not considered fully vaccinated and vaccinated non-NYFA cast and crew are required to submit a negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test taken within 72 hours prior to their first day on production. Unvaccinated NYFA cast and crew must take another test for shoots over 7 days confirming a negative result.
- Individuals are considered unvaccinated if they are have had no doses of an authorized COVID-19 vaccine, if they are partially vaccinated ( received only one dose of a two-dose authorized COVID-19 vaccine; received all required doses of of an FDA or WHO authorized vaccine, but less than 14 days have passed since final dose), if they received dose(s) of a COVID-19 vaccine that is not yet authorized for emergency use by the FDA or WHO, and if they have been granted by NYFA a medical exemption.
- Medical Exemption:To apply for a medical exemption, individuals must complete and follow all guidelines, as noted in the Request for Medical Exemption of Immunization Form.
- Individuals are considered unvaccinated if they are have had no doses of an authorized COVID-19 vaccine, if they are partially vaccinated ( received only one dose of a two-dose authorized COVID-19 vaccine; received all required doses of of an FDA or WHO authorized vaccine, but less than 14 days have passed since final dose), if they received dose(s) of a COVID-19 vaccine that is not yet authorized for emergency use by the FDA or WHO, and if they have been granted by NYFA a medical exemption.
- All non-NYFA cast and crew must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and submit proof of immunization to the production.
- All cast and crew are required to wear well-fitted, multi-layered, quality masks at all times for interior scenes and physical distancing should be maintained. Coverings such as bandanas and “gaiter masks” or other facial coverings not of comparable quality will not be permitted. Only vaccinated actors may remove masks during takes.
- Production, at their discretion, may also decide to mandate masks for exterior scenes and require physical distancing.
- All cast and crew are required to wear well-fitted, multi-layered, quality masks at all times for interior scenes and physical distancing should be maintained. Coverings such as bandanas and “gaiter masks” or other facial coverings not of comparable quality will not be permitted. Only vaccinated actors may remove masks during takes.
- All cast and crew must report symptoms via the NYFA COVID Symptom Tracker (Visitor Tracker for non-NYFA) every day that they are on a production. Anyone experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms is not permitted to be on set and must test and email a negative result to before returning to set.
- Symptoms include: Fever (100.4 F and higher), Cough, Chills, Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing, Fatigue, Muscle of Body Aches, Headache, New Loss of Taste or Smell, Sore Throat, Congestion or Runny Nose, Diarrhea, and Nausea or Vomiting.
- Symptoms include: Fever (100.4 F and higher), Cough, Chills, Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing, Fatigue, Muscle of Body Aches, Headache, New Loss of Taste or Smell, Sore Throat, Congestion or Runny Nose, Diarrhea, and Nausea or Vomiting.
- All cast and crew must report symptoms via the NYFA COVID Symptom Tracker (Visitor Tracker for non-NYFA) every day that they are on a production. Anyone experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms is not permitted to be on set and must test and email a negative result to before returning to set.
- It is recommended that pre-production meetings and casting sessions are conducted remotely. NYFA classrooms will not be available for casting sessions during the upcoming semester.
- It is recommended that pre-production meetings and casting sessions are conducted remotely. NYFA classrooms will not be available for casting sessions during the upcoming semester.
- It is recommended that initial scouting is conducted by a skeleton crew (i.e. 3-people max)
- Only cast members that have been vaccinated can participate in intimacy scenes, per department’s review and approval.
- Only cast members that have been vaccinated can participate in intimacy scenes, per department’s review and approval.
- Any production over 10 people must have a designated and certified Compliance Officer..
- Compliance Officers are recommended to receive the following certifications:
- C19CO Certification (HES or Safe Sets Level B as examples)
- HIPAA Certification
- Compliance Officers are recommended to receive the following certifications:
- Productions with 10 or fewer members can have the COVID officer position filled by any NYFA crew member on set in addition to their other duties.
- Compliance Officers should hold the following certifications:
- Safe Sets Level A
- Compliance Officers should hold the following certifications:
- Any production over 10 people must have a designated and certified Compliance Officer..
- All sets are considered closed sets and no individuals will be admitted to set at any particular time without prior approval.
- In addition to following all protocols listed here in Appendix I, all non-NYFA Cast & Crew must also sign an Acknowledgement and Waiver of Liability (Visitor) form.
Any production that is a SAG-AFTRA signatory must in addition abide by the RETURN TO WORK guidance.
- Production is required to provide PPE upon request including N95 or equivalent masks for all cast and crew.
- Production is required to provide PPE upon request including N95 or equivalent masks for all cast and crew.
- Production is recommended to make a plan for cleaning and disinfecting that includes disposing correctly PPE and hand cleaning stations (i.e. make sure it has soap, water, paper towels, and hand sanitizer)
- It is recommended that meals be delivered as single serving portions with individually wrapped, disposable utensils - and distributed in such a fashion as to avoid surface contamination. It is recommended that drinks be in single serving containers, ie. water bottles and cans.
- It is recommended that meals be delivered as single serving portions with individually wrapped, disposable utensils - and distributed in such a fashion as to avoid surface contamination. It is recommended that drinks be in single serving containers, ie. water bottles and cans.
- All cast and crew members must be certified through SafeSets International Level A.
- All cast and crew members must be certified through SafeSets International Level A.
A daily COVID-19 compliance report should be recorded by the Compliance Officer and submitted to the Producer or 1st AD. All submitted compliance reports will be collected and included in the Production Binder..
Failure to Comply: NYFA students failing to comply with all protocols of Appendix I of the NYFA COVID Safety Plan may be subject to disciplinary action. The student graded for the project is responsible for ensuring that outside cast and crew members comply with safety guidelines. A student who does not enforce such guidelines of outside cast and crew may be subject to disciplinary action..
COVID-19 still presents a risk for members of our community. Therefore, the New York Film Academy asks all students, faculty, staff and visitors to do their part to protect themselves and other members of the campus and surrounding communities. As part of this effort, we ask all students who plan to enter the New York Film Academy campus (Premises) or to participate in any NYFA in-person activities (Activity), to read, and acknowledge, and agree to the following:
- I understand the hazards of COVID-19 and I am familiar with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and the relevant state and local guidelines regarding COVID-19 (the “Guidelines”). I acknowledge and understand that the circumstances regarding COVID-19 are changing from day to day and that, accordingly, the Guidelines are regularly modified and updated and I accept full responsibility for familiarizing myself with the most recent updates. I understand that NYFA regularly distributes to its community updates to health officials' guidelines and, in turn, to NYFA's policies and procedures. I understand that these updates are distributed through NYFA's email service and are posted on NYFA's Student Hub.
- I pledge to provide NYFA with my full cooperation while I am on the Premises and/or participating in the Activity and when I am off campus, so as to minimize COVID-19 health and safety risks to NYFA students, faculty staff and visitors and abide by the most current safety guidelines promulgated by NYFA. This may include, but not be limited to, wearing a NYFA mask or facial covering of comparable quality (three layer cloth mask that covers both my nose and mouth) at all times while on the Premises or Activity and when off campus in public spaces in the presence of others; maintaining physical distancing from others, not sharing my food, drink, and personal belongings with others; submitting to temperature checks and completing a daily symptom tracker before entering the Premises and/or participating in the Activity. I will report any COVID-19 related symptoms and refrain from entering the Premises or participating in the Activity if I am exhibiting any COVID-19 related symptoms. I understand that if I break my pledge - if I fail to adhere to the most current guidelines either on campus or off campus - I may face disciplinary action, up to and including revocation of permission to attend on-campus classes and activities, and in egregious cases, additional sanctions, which may include suspension or expulsion from NYFA.
- I understand, regardless of any safety protocols or procedures NYFA has in place or establishes, that there are still risks associated with COVID-19, and I hereby willingly choose to enter the Premises or participate in the NYFA Activity.
- Because of the uncertainty regarding COVID-19 and whether there will be another “wave” or increased community infection rate later in 2021 or 2022 or at any other future time while I am a NYFA student, I understand and acknowledge that approval given to me by NYFA to attend and physically be present on the Premises or participate in the Activity is conditional and may be withdrawn by NYFA at its discretion at any time as based on any changed circumstances and Guideline
- I acknowledge that due to health and safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, NYFA may offer parts or all of its program online depending on changing conditions and public health guidance. In such instances, NYFA's physical campus or the Premises may be partially or fully closed. I hereby accept such alternative teaching arrangements until NYFA, at its sole and absolute discretion, deems it prudent to move all or parts of the program to in-person instruction. I understand that NYFA shall not be obligated to return any tuition or other payments it received as a result of a change from in-person to online instruction or a blend of the two methods of instruction.
BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, I ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT THAT I have read the foregoing Agreement, understand it, and pledge to follow its terms.
Student Printed Name:________________________________
Student Signature:____________________________________
In consideration for receiving permission to BE ON PREMISES at a NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY CAMPUS (hereinafter the “Premises”), I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:
1. I understand that the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) still presents a risk and I am familiar with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and the relevant State guidelines regarding COVID-19 (the “Guidelines”). I acknowledge and understand that the circumstances regarding COVID-19 may change from day to day and that, accordingly, the Guidelines are regularly modified and updated and I accept full responsibility for familiarizing myself with the most recent updates.
2. I enter the Premises knowing the risks associated with COVID-19.
3. I will provide New York Film Academy (“NYFA”) with my full cooperation while I am on the Premises so as to minimize COVID-19 health and safety risks to NYFA students, faculty, staff and visitors and abide by the safety guidelines promulgated by NYFA. This may include, but not be limited to, wearing a mask (that covers both my nose and mouth) while on the Premises, physical distancing from others, not sharing my food or drink with others, complete a daily symptom tracker before entering the Premises, reporting any COVID-19 related symptoms and refraining from entering the Premises if I am exhibiting any COVID-19 related symptoms.
4. Because of the uncertainty regarding COVID-19 and whether there will be another “wave” or increased community infection rate later in 2021 or at any other future time, I understand and acknowledge that approval given to me by NYFA to physically be present on the Premises is conditional and may be withdrawn by NYFA in its discretion at any time as based on any changed Guidelines.
5. I acknowledge that due to health safety concerns related to the Covid-19 pandemic, NYFA's physical campus or the Premises may be partially or fully closed. The employee hereby accepts such alternative work arrangements until NYFA, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems it prudent to open its physical campus or the Premises.
6. This Agreement is an acknowledgement of my obligations not a waiver of any of my rights.
7. This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, interpreted and controlled according to the laws of the State of New York.
BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, I ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT THAT I have read the foregoing Agreement, understand it and sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreement, have been made; I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and fully competent; and I execute this Agreement for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed this Agreement under seal on this day.
Employee Printed Name:________________________________
Employee Signature:____________________________________
In consideration for receiving permission to BE ON PREMISES at a NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY CAMPUS (hereinafter the “Premises”) or participate in a NYFA run or student run production (hereinafter the “Activity”), I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:
1. I understand the hazards of COVID-19 still exist and I am familiar with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and the relevant State guidelines regarding COVID-19 (the “Guidelines”). I acknowledge and understand that the circumstances regarding COVID-19 are changing from day to day and that, accordingly, the Guidelines are regularly modified and updated and I accept full responsibility for familiarizing myself with the most recent updates.
2. Notwithstanding the risks associated with COVID-19, which I readily acknowledge, I hereby willingly choose to enter the Premises and/or participate in the Activity.
3. I will provide New York Film Academy (“NYFA”) with my full cooperation while I am on the Premises and/or participating in the Activity so as to minimize COVID-19 health and safety risks to NYFA students, staff and other participants. This may include, but not be limited to, wearing a mask (that covers both my nose and mouth) at all times while on the Premises and when practical while participating in the Activity, maintaining physical distancing from others, not sharing my food, drink, and personal belongings with others, submitting to temperature checks and complete daily symptom tracker before entering the Premises and/or participating in the Activity, reporting any COVID-19 related symptoms and refraining from entering the Premises and/or participating in the Activity if I am exhibiting any COVID-19 related symptoms.
4. Because of the uncertainty regarding COVID-19 and whether there will be another “wave” or increased community infection rate later in 2021, I understand and acknowledge that approval given to me by NYFA to physically be present on the Premises and/or participate in the Activity is conditional and may be withdrawn by NYFA in its discretion at any time as based on any changed Guidelines.
5. I acknowledge and fully assume the risk of illness or death related to COVID-19 arising from my being on the Premises and/or participating in the Activity and hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, and DISCHARGE NYFA, any of its affiliates and subsidiaries, and any of their owners, officers, directors, agents, employees and assigns (the “RELEASEES”) from any liability related to COVID-19 which might occur as a result of my being on the Premises and/or participating in the Activity.
6. I shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the RELEASEES from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, judgments, losses or expenses of any nature whatsoever (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements, whether of in-house or outside counsel and whether or not an action is brought, on appeal or otherwise), arising from or out of, or relating to, directly or indirectly, the infection of COVID-19 or any other illness or injury.
7. It is my express intent that this Agreement shall bind any assigns and representatives, and shall be deemed as a RELEASE, WAIVER, and DISCHARGE the above-named RELEASEES. This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, interpreted and controlled according to the laws of the State of New York. I HEREBY KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL OF ANY DISPUTE ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS AGREEMENT WAS EXPRESSLY NEGOTIATED AND IS A MATERIAL INDUCEMENT FOR THE PERMISSION GRANTED BY RELEASEES TO BE ON PREMISES AND PARTICIPATE IN THE ACTIVITIES.
BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, I ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT THAT I have read the foregoing Agreement, understand it and sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreement, have been made; I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and fully competent; and I execute this Agreement for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed this Agreement under seal on this ___ day of ____, 2021.
Print Name:_________________________________
Daily COVID-19 Symptom Attestation Form
Reasons for Denial of Campus Access
NYFA reserves the right to deny access to any person who has not followed the COVID Safety Plan measures put in place, or who has not successfully passed any required health checks.
Reasons access may be denied to campus could include, but is not limited to:
- Incomplete COVID Acknowledgement Agreement: Acknowledgement must be read, signed and submitted before the first day of return to campus.
- For the NY and LA Campus, student is unvaccinated and has not been granted a medical exemption.
- Incomplete COVID Symptom Tracker for unvaccinated and vaccinated students/employees: Tracker must be completed to gain access to campus on days scheduled to work, attend class or any NYFA sponsored activity.
- COVID Symptom Tracker records “Yes” to one or more of the symptoms noted on the symptom tracker checklist, indicating the individual does not feel completely well that day.
- Not scheduled to be on-campus and does not have pre-approval from Campus Dean.
- Non-compliance with health precautionary measures as contained in this document or as directed by NYFA.
- Unvaccinated student or employee is sharing a household with someone who has suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
- Ten (10) days have not passed since directed to self-quarantine for exposure to COVID-19 or return from travel.
- You reported symptoms, you received a negative RT-PCR COVID-19 Test Result and you have not yet received from your COVID-19 Team Administrator clearance to enter campus or return to in-person classes or activities.
- You tested positive for COVID-19 and all of your symptoms are either resolved or improved, ten days have passed since the day your symptoms began, and you have not yet been cleared by your COVID-19 Team Administrator for campus entry.
NYFA Self-Quarantine and Self-Isolation Guidelines
NYFA values the health and safety of all members of its community, always and especially now, during this time of global illness and uncertainty. If you are unvaccinated and arriving to campus from a region outside of your campus location, or if you are unvaccinated and have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you will be required to self-quarantine for 10 days.
If you are vaccinated and you have been exposed to person(s) infected with SARS-CoV-2 or if you are vaccinated and are returning to campus post international travel, you will not be required to self-quarantine, but you will be required to get tested 5-7 days after the last day of exposure ( or 3-5 days after last day of travel) , monitor your symptoms for 14 days and avoid contact with individuals at risk of severe COVID-19 illness for 14 days.
If you are unvaccinated or vaccinated and you have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 or if you test positive for COVID-19, you will be required to self-isolate.
The guidelines below for both self-quarantine and self-isolation are endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local and state public health agencies as best practice for mitigating risk of community transmission of illness.
Please carefully read the guidelines detailed below. For assistance, please contact NYFA Staff (contact information provided under NYFA Resources).
- Limiting Spread of Infection to Others (for unvaccinated students/employees):
- Stay in self-quarantine for 10 full days after the last day of exposure/travel. Do not report to campus for at least 10 days. If you develop symptoms, additional days for self-isolation will be required.
- The self-quarantine period may be reduced from 10 to 7 days if and only if an individual gets an RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test after 5days or longer post exposure/travel, and submits valid proof of a negative test result to the COVID-19 Administrator.
- Stay home and avoid contact with others. Leave the home only for essential outings (grocery stores, pharmacies) and solitary, recreational exercise.
- Do not take public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares during the time you are in quarantine.
- Avoid crowded places (such as shopping centers and movie theaters) and limit your activities in public.
- Practice physical distancing by keeping 6 feet (2 meters) distance from others at all times.
- Wear a mask whenever you leave the home and are unable to strictly maintain physical distancing guidelines.
- Do not visit friends and family members who are at high risk for developing severe illness--older adults, individuals with weakened immune systems and/or chronic illnesses.
- Avoid sharing household items, including drinking cups, eating utensils, towels or bedding. Wash these items thoroughly after using.
- Limiting Spread of Infection to Others (for vaccinated students/employees):
- Seek a RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test 5-7 days after the last day of exposure to person(s) with confirmed COVID-19 or 3-5 days after the last day of international travel. Submit a valid report of the test result to the COVID-19 Team Administrator.
- Wear a mask whenever indoors, both on campus and off campus, until a negative test result is reported.
- Closely monitor for symptoms for 14 days after the last day of exposure or 14 days after the last day of travel.
- Avoid close contact with individuals at risk for severe COVID-19 illness for 14 days after the last day of exposure or 14 days after the last day of travel.
- If a positive test is reported, stay home and follow the self-isolation guidelines noted below.
- Practicing Effective Personal Hygiene (for unvaccinated and vaccinated students/employees):
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unclean hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid shaking hands and other close physical greetings with others
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in your home, such as door and refrigerator handles, keyboards, tablets, phones, remotes, counter tops, light switches, kitchen and bathroom faucets, etc.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. If you do not have a tissue, cover your cough or sneeze with a sleeve (not your hands).
- Monitoring for Symptoms (for unvaccinated and vaccinated students and employees):
- Take your temperature with a thermometer two times each day.
- Watch for symptoms and keep a daily record of your temperature and the symptoms you experience for 14 days.
- Stay home, except to seek medical care and/or diagnostic testing if you have a fever of 100.4 or above OR if have ONE of the symptoms noted below.
- Feeling Sick (for unvaccinated and vaccinated students and employees):
If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, please seek testing and request a RT-PCR COVID-19 Diagnostic Test (Results from rapid antigen tests or antibody tests will not be accepted). Please also consider seeking medical care, especially if your symptoms do not improve or worsen.
- Fever (Temperature of 100.4 or above)
- Cough
- Difficulty Breathing or Shortness of Breath
- Loss of Taste or Smell
- Chills
- New Loss of Taste and/or Smell
- Fatigue
- Muscle or Body Aches
- Sore Throat
- Congestion or Runny Nose
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Limiting Spread of Infection to Others (see above section A.1)
- Practicing Effective Hygiene (see above section A. 3)
- Additional Precautionary Measures:
- Separate yourself from others by staying in a separate room and using a separate bathroom, if possible. Additional guidance is available for living in close quarters and shared housing.
- If sleeping in a separate room is not possible, sleep in a separate bed, maintain a 6 feet (2 meter) distance between beds, sleep head toe, and keep a window open or a fan operating to bring in or circulate air, if possible.
- If using a separate bathroom is not possible, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in the bathroom after each use.
- Have meals delivered to your room and eat separately from members of your household.
- Do not prepare and share food with members of your household.
- Follow the directives provided by the test administrator or health care professional.
- Continue to monitor and keep a daily record of your symptoms.
- Contact your medical provider to report any symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.
- Monitoring Symptoms and Seeking Emergency Care:
Seek Emergency Medical Attention immediately – Call 9.1.1. or call ahead to your local emergency facility and notify the operator that you may have COVID-19- if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Severe Difficulty Breathing
- Persistent Pain or Pressure in Chest
- New Confusion
- Inability to Wake or Stay Awake
- Bluish Lips or Face
- Testing Positive For COVID-19
- Follow CDC guidelines and local public health directives for Isolation, should you test positive for COVID-19.
- Contact your Campus COVID -19 Team Administrator to report your positive test result and for assistance in accessing medical care, adhering to isolation directives, and arranging meal and pharmaceutical deliveries (offered in some cities at no cost by local public health agencies). NYFA adheres to CDC and ADA privacy guidelines in regard to sharing identities and personal health information during times of public health emergencies.
- If you receive a call from NYS Contact Tracing (518.387.9993), LA County Department of Health or Miami Dade County Department of Health, PLEASE answer the call and support state and city Contact Tracing efforts. If you test positive, a COVID Contact Tracer will also help you access resources you may need to live comfortably and healthfully in isolation. The Tracer will also work with you to identify and reach out via phone and text to anyone you’ve been in contact with while you were infectious to trace and contain the spread of the virus. Your privacy will be protected throughout this process.
- Ending Quarantine or Isolation: Entering or Returning to Campus:
You may attend classes or report to work when ONE of the following conditions is completely true:
- You have been in quarantine for 10 days and you have not experienced any of the symptoms of concern, noted above.
- You have been in self-quarantine AND you experienced one or more symptoms of concern AND upon getting tested for COVID-19 AFTER your new symptoms emerged, you received a NEGATIVE test result AND you have experienced no new symptoms of concern AND the symptoms you did experience have been fully resolved for at least 24 hours AND you have been cleared for return by your Campus COVID-19 Team Administrator.
- You tested positive for COVID-19, you developed symptoms, and at least 10 days have passed since you first experienced symptoms AND you have been fever free without the use of fever-reducing medication for at least three days AND all of your symptoms have significantly improved.
- You tested positive for COVID-19, you never developed symptoms AND you have remained in quarantine for 10 days beyond the day you were tested.
- Where to Go To Get Tested for COVID-19:
Please refer to the links below for guidance and testing site locations near your campus: Although most cities offer free testing for COVID-19, sites not sponsored by the local public health departments may charge for testing. Should you pursue testing at a private health facility, please contact your health insurance carrier for information on coverage for COVID-19 testing and treatment:
- Los Angeles: Find a Free Testing Site here.
- South Beach: Find Miami Dade Testing Sites here.
- New York City: Find a Free Testing Site here. All testing sites offered through the NYC Test and Trace Corp are free.
- Where to Go For Medical Care:
- Urgent Care Facilities: If you do not have a primary care physician, you may call and seek care at an urgent medical care facility located in close proximity to your home or campus. The Urgent Care Facilities located near each campus are noted below. These facilities accept NYFASHIP insurance. Copays may apply.
- Los Angeles:
Burbank Urgent Care
3413 Pacific Ave. #110
Burbank, CA 91505
Antibody testing ONLY
- South Beach:
Baptist Urgent Care
709 Alton Road
Miami, FL 33139
- New York:
CityMD (Find NYC location)
PCR Testing
Results 3-5 days
- TeleHealth Options for Medical Care: Telemedicine is an option for all students, faculty and staff covered through the NYFA Student Health Insurance Plan (NYFASHIP), United Behavioral Health Care, and Kaiser.
- Students covered by NYFASHIP: Copays for COVID-19 testing are waived during time of public health emergency; please verify before scheduling an appointment.
- 1-855-Teladoc (835-2362).
- In network providers delivering synchronous virtual care (live video conferencing).
- Video visit through the CVS MinuteClinic App.
- Faculty/Staff covered by United Behavioral Health Care ($25 copay waived during public health emergency, but please verify at time of appointment):
- Faculty/Staff covered by Kaiser: or call 1.833.574.2273 (please inquire about copay for COVID-19 testing).
- Students covered by NYFASHIP: Copays for COVID-19 testing are waived during time of public health emergency; please verify before scheduling an appointment.
- NYFA Resources:
You will find updated COVID-19 Health information at NYFA Health Alert. Please bookmark this page for easy access to all information relevant to COVID-19.
PLEASE contact your campus COVID-19 Team Administrator should you are someone within our NYFA community test positive for COVID-19 and for assistance during your time of quarantine or isolation.
- New York Campus: | Tel: 929.432.1432
- Los Angeles Campus: | Tel: 747.292.9992
- South Beach Campus: | Tel: 786.687.4800
PLEASE reach out to any of the NYFA staff members noted below for additional assistance. We are eager to help you and respond to your questions and needs.
- Students:
- Sandra Schein, Dean of Students, NY:
- Susan Ashe, Dean of Students, LA:
- Maylen Dominguez, Campus Dean, SB:
- Faculty/Staff:
- Pankti Shah, HR Director (LA):
- Jeanine West, Associate HR Director NY and SB Director:
Thank You for Doing Your Part In Keeping Yourselves and Our Community Safe!