NYFA English Language Lab

What We Do
The NYFA English Language Lab is a weekly support for students who learned English as a second language. We offer students whose first language is not English an opportunity to practice and improve their speaking, listening, reading, and vocabulary skills in a supportive environment.
Students develop and practice pronunciation, grammar skills, and vocabulary through direct instruction, exercises, and reading comprehension. Students of all programs are welcome. There is no curriculum and no assessment, and students are encouraged to attend as often as they are able.
How to Attend
Email to nathan.schrader@nyfa.edu and you will be added to the weekly English Language Lab email list. Instructors may also recommend that students who need additional language support attend Language Lab to improve their skills in class.
Nathan Schrader
Nathan Schrader is a graduate of the Hunter College TESOL program and an Adjunct Instructor of English. He studied film production and screenwriting in college and brings his experience with filmmaking as well as language instruction to lab.
English Lab is typically held from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturdays.