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American Corporate Partners (ACP)

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Dear NYFA Veteran Community,


American Corporate Partners (ACP)

Wednesday, April 1st, 11:00 a.m. PST/2:00 p.m. EST

Zoom: 6162


The NYFA Division of Veterans Services would like to invite you to join us along with Ellsworth Gibbs, Operation Associate with American Corporate Partners (ACP) on Wednesday, April 1st, @ 11am PST/2pm EST through Zoom. Mr. Gibbs will be speaking about ACP’s free Mentoring Program which connects post-9/11 veterans, active duty spouses and eligible military spouses (Protégés) with corporate professionals (Mentors) for customized mentorships. ACP assists veterans and eligible spouses on their path towards fulfilling, long-term careers, whether the veteran is job searching or newly employed.


You may also be interested in reading a blog article here about US Navy Veteran and recent New York Film Academy (NYFA) Broadcast Journalism and Documentary Filmmaking graduate Clyde Gunter who recently started a 13-month paid, full-time Leadership, Exploration and Development Program next month at ESPN. Clyde went through the American Corporate Partners program while attending classes at NYFA.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at 818 333 3560 or via email at