 | Anxiety and Stress Support Group Tuesdays (Ongoing) at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET Join therapist Kathia Rabelo in a supportive space for expressing weekly challenges in regard to anxiety and stress, including coping mechanisms and skill building. This group will explore such themes as managing school, maintaining and developing relationships, safety and empowerment. Develop a greater awareness of body/mind connectedness and strategies to better understand and manage difficult emotions. Click Here to Join
LGBTQI+ Support Group Wednesdays (Ongoing) at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET Join therapist Kathia Rabelo in exploring gender, sexuality and identity in a supportive space. This group will explore such themes as dating, loneliness, creativity and passion. Develop a stronger sense of awareness and mindfulness to feelings, exploring limits and boundaries of school, relationships and self. Click Here to Join
Graduation and Stress Management Group Thursday 8/27/20 @ 12:30 p.m PT/3:30 p.m ET Graduation is an exciting time where we recognize how our hard work has paid off and step towards our futures. Success & change can also bring on stress and heightened anxiety: you’re not alone! Join Director of Counseling NYC’s Jacky Hunt for a one-time support group about managing the stress of graduation with special guest, Domingo Morales, Associate Director of Human Resources, NYFA NYC for support and advice about resume writing and dos and don'ts in your interview process. Click Here to Join Meeting ID: 941 143 8627
Bounce Back: Nurture Inner Resilience Group Thursdays @ 12:30 p.m. PT/ 3:30 p.m. ET starting July 23rd Do you struggle with setbacks and negative thinking? Do you get discouraged easily? Do you want to learn skills to help you bounce back from life’s challenges? Join Director of Counseling NYC’s Jacky Hunt in a 4-week group to help you develop new ways of coping with life’s difficulties. Click to Register |
 | We are all feeling different emotions as we think about our return to a hybrid learning model this September. We’re excited, nervous, and curious about what to expect. NYFA has created a safe plan for reopening that you can review on the student HUB. Using clear and trustworthy sources of information helps reduce anxiety.
We all have mixed reactions when faced with the unknown- it can help to practice reframing our negative or fear-based thoughts to more constructive & positive. If this is something you struggle with, consider signing up for Bounce Back to help you build skills around reframing your anxiety and negative thoughts.
Recognize Small Positives & Know Your Resources When we are going through transitions, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. An effective way to overcome this is to recognize small achievements, novelties, and new learnings and give ourselves credit when we do it! Control what you can by knowing where to go to get what you need on your individual campus. (NYC, LA, SoBe) Strategize good study habits with NYFA’s helpful guide. |
 | Finding the Sweet Spots Over the past few months, all of us have been navigating some significant changes to our lifestyles, including our sense of balance and our usual ways of finding meaning and purpose. Some of us have taken up some healthy coping strategies (exercise, spending more quality time with family, writing a few pages on Final Draft, creating more and developing our projects) while others have fallen to some of the unhealthy habits (eating too much or too little, getting stuck on social media for too long, spending money we don’t have, feeling complacent and not connecting with people we care about).
What often helps is spending time thinking about the sweet spot between what is too much vs too little. Taking a jog in the morning for 30 minutes, great. Taking a four hour run pushing your body too hard and then feeling exhausted all day, not so great. Spending time exploring some of the ways in which you refuel and care for yourself, paying particular attention to how much vs how little we need can go a long way in feeling a little lighter, a little more confident and having extra resources inside yourself to tend to your weekly needs.
Ask yourself: What else could you integrate into your life with that extra energy? How do we treat ourselves while still feeling like we’re accomplishing enough during the week? When is the last time you found that sweetest of spots where your energy used for the day or week equals the validation, pleasure and self-worth that you deserve?
Sleep Quality sleep is an essential part of overall wellness, but CDC data tells us that most Americans are getting less than the recommended 7 hours per night. Check stats by your state here and see how you compare. We all want to be our best and quality sleep is part of the solution. Read these healthy tips about how to improve your Zzzs. Beyond sleep hygiene, there are other considerations to improve sleep. Nighttime worry and anxiety can keep you awake and interrupt your ability to concentrate, impede memory, and get in the way of your goals. When you notice a pattern, it may be time to reach out and connect with a counselor. |